Monday, April 02, 2007

Budapest Sounds and Sights

As I did my city-walk (leather bag across my shoulder, purposeful stride) down Andrassy street looking for the ticket office, it happened: a Hungarian asked me directions. I gave directions. Read: someone mistook me for a native. Alas, I am sure the minute I opened my mouth they knew my distinctly non-native accent. But.


Shortly thereafter a woman, who appeared "normal", started to beg in Hungarian. I told her that I don't speak Hungarian (in Hungarian), but she was undeterred. She explained that she was Romanian and had two children (in Hungarian) and. . .I said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry (in Hungarian) and kept city-walking.


Then I remembered that I hadn't mentioned that Sunday night we spent at the Szepmuveszeti (sp?) Museum for the last night of the Van Gogh exhibit. We waited in the chilly air until nearly 11 pm and made it through the line in time to enjoy the exhibit before it closed at midnight. It was crammed with other Van Gogh fans. The lights were dim. I loved the blue irises--there is a reason it was on the information pamphlet, a crowd pleaser. The exhibit was a traveling show that consisted mainly of studies rather than major works. For the record, he only sold ONE painting in his life. Note to self.


Tonight we saw a play called Mesel a Becsi Erdo by Odon Von Horvath. Luckily the language was not to poetic or stylized for me to follow. I love listening to actors speak Hungarian--they use body language, they articulate, they act the language. The play was was in the studio theater of the newly built Nemzeti Theater (National Theater). The building is an act of theater, which I believe is a kind way of saying that you should see it for yourself and form your own impression/interpretation. Not much to mention about the play itself, although the sets were quite unobtrusive. And an espresso at the break made the second half quite lively.


Tomorrow (Tuesday) L. has meetings and I have a free day! I plan to work on my novel. Drink tea. Shop at the boutiques. Etc. Vacation is good. Very.

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