Of course one shouldn't squander away all the fun of Boston between the pages. Both of us enjoy the theater and so last night we went to see another piece by the Huntington Theatre Company (in residence at Boston University). The play
I have to admit, the play appealed more to L.'s sensibilities than mine. I just never connected to any of the characters--either the acting or the writing left me cold. At times I was disgusted at the events, but I suppose that was the point. There was one scene that positively exasperated me. The old aunty gave the following bit of wisdom to a young niece: men are happy when they have feelings, women are happy when they cause others to have feelings. Is this true? Or worse, still true? L. found it witty and a classic period piece. True, the costumes (with a few exceptions) were well done and the staging was finely choreographed. It was well executed, but soap operas -- even dark ones-- have never been my style.
This might be a good novel to accompany a study of the French Revolution, however. You most often get poignant stories of the poor and this offers another perspective--a portrait of the poor in spirit.
The play runs through February 5th at The Huntington.
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