Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moving Out

I was fully aware that I could get pregnant at the time. Getting pregnant when my daughter was only eight months old, however, means that soon I will have baby brother to care for in addition to my then seventeen-month-old baby girl. Two bottoms to change. Two little people who hardly know that they exist distinct from my body. I have heard that having two is not twice the work, but ten times the work. (Funny how they never mention that is ten times the joy.) Having three, on the other hand, is a piece of cake. So they say. I say we wait a while to test out the theory about three.

Since learning about baby # 2 things have changed. Our beloved apartment (despite our absentee landlords and leaking kitchen ceiling) has been vacated. We now officially live in the suburbs. Still on the T (metro) line. Still within walking distance of all things necessary (grocery, post, park, flower store, dry cleaners, karate studio). Yet this is the burbs. And we have a home that screams "responsibility" every time our automated sprinklers kick in at 3 am. I have already met three families at the park with 2 under 2. I guess we are not alone in our path toward sleep deprivation, tiny stuffed noses, and worrisome rashes.

The move involved drama. As I have been pregnant the last two times we moved, I was happily exempted from hard labor. Movers came and packed up our stuff in one day. We were reduced to hastily packed suitcases for our last evening in the apartment. Our walk to a local greasy hamburger joint ended with mama at the Emergency Room. I had been coughing violently for almost two weeks. So violently that I caused a back spasm. It was my first. It was excruciating. Within twenty-five minutes I could no longer stand or walk. We took a cab home. Then we rushed to the hospital. I'll spare you the details. Let us just say that I believe that vocalization is good for pain relief. There were tears, moans, and expletives. They checked the baby, who was fine. After several hours I was home with painkillers and a prescription for an antibiotic for my bronchitis.

My husband took my daughter home around nine pm and put her to sleep. This was the first night that she was not nursed to sleep. He left her with our babysitter and returned to the hospital. This was the first night in her life that she was left with a sitter. It was our first night out. How sexy. I was advised to go home and drink some wine to relax. So our first date night ended with champagne (wine opener was packed) enjoyed straight from a sippy cup (all glasses were packed).

They next morning at 8 am the movers returned and started to haul our things down the three flights and into the moving truck. By Sunday night we were suburbanites.

I started this post with the intention of writing about another topic related to the changes caused by our second pregnancy. Tandem Nursing. Yes, I know, if you are like me before all this baby blitz, you are thinking, "what is that?" I can tell you that I have been thinking about the subject for months now. My little one is a dedicated nurser despite the fact that I have very little milk supply due to the pregnancy. (Yes, I am still nursing throughout pregnancy. No worries unless you have a high risk pregnancy.) The very same baby who could not latch on and nurse now does not seem interested in ever breaking the latch. Which means that this mama may have two bottoms to change AND two babies to nurse. And that is tandem nursing. And that is my next entry. Sooner I hope rather than later.

And one more note: Miss Izabella has started to use her signs. She can now sign "nurse," "eat," and tonight she started to use the sign for "more." It is really cool. Of course tonight I also started to try and break her association between nursing and sleeping. (More on that in my next entry.) And perhaps that is what prompted her to sign "more" followed by "nurse." You have to see it. Such tiny perfect hands communicating so clearly. We are working on signs for "sleep," "please," and "thank you." She also practices "glad" and "play."


Emily K said...

I've tandem nursed now twice. It works well. Siblings who nurse together look out for each other even at a young age. It's cute!

Emily K said...

Another thought about tandem nursing: my toddler pretty much stops eating when the new milk comes in, but they put on lots of weight because of the baby milk.

Janet Kelley said...

How much did you nurse her before your milk came in? I.e., how much colostrum did she get? Should I try to limit it?

RĂ©ka Albert said...

If you haven't already, you may want to check out the La Leche League forum on tandem nursing. You will need to register and log in to the LLLI site to see the forum.

I hope your back is better and you are enjoying your new house. It's great that the stores are walking distance!

S.E.Minegar said...

So glad to see you back! You are such a great story teller. Your children are going to eat this up when they are older!

Congrats on your move to the 'burbs.


Khageman said...

I almost tandem nursed once. However, when I got home from the hospital with the new baby and the new milk came in, the toddler said, "Ewww, yucky. There's too much!!" And that was that. All done!

Emily K said...

"How much did you nurse her before your milk came in? I.e., how much colostrum did she get? Should I try to limit it?"
-With both Nicholas & Will, they nursed right away as newborns. We had all night together in the hospital nursing on demand, then went home in the late afternoon. The toddler nursed right away with us at home. I found it was much easier to let the toddler nurse with us whenever the baby needed it especially in the first weeks. It was too difficult to try to get them to understand they had to take turns. The newborn would nurse in a cradle position, the toddler would sort of sit beside me on the couch/chair. I would sometimes "hide" in another room so baby could nurse solo!
I didn't limit the amount they nursed. Don't really know how much colostrum they each received. Helps your milk come in quickly!