Sunday, January 31, 2016

Parent Child Interview

I asked Izabella and Leo a series of questions that were part of a Facebook meme. Here is the result:

Izabella, 7 (almost 8)

1. What is something I always say to you? I love you.
2. What makes me happy? clowns
3. What makes me sad? Leo hitting me.
4. How do I make you laugh? putting on my clown costume or saying a funny joke
5. What was I like when I was a child? like a clown
6. How old am I? 41
7. How tall am I? 228 cm
8. What is my favorite thing to do? go shopping
9. What do I do when you're not around? go shopping
10. What am I really good at? funniness or shouting at Leo
11. What is something I'm not good at? bicycling
12. What do I do for a job? write books
13. What is my favorite food? rice casserole
14. What do you enjoy doing with me? cuddle

Leo (6 ½)

1. What is something I always say to you? Isn’t it a beautiful day? Or, I love you.
2. What makes me happy? When I am really nice and not fussing and I don’t eat with my hands
3. What makes me sad? If I hit you or I am angry or I hate you or say I don’t love you
4. How do I make you laugh? Saying funny jokes and tickling me
5. What was I like when I was a child? nice
6. How old am I? 42
7. How tall am I? How would I know?
8. What is my favorite thing to do? go outside and have fresh air, cuddle
9. What do I do when you're not around? go shopping, clean the house
10. What am I really good at? Cleaning the house, loving people, being nice, being cute
11. What is something I'm not good at? Lego
12. What do I do for a job? Write a book and take care of us and I think you said you are a teacher
13. What is my favorite food? French fries
14. What do you enjoy doing with me? Cuddling, go shopping

Iza was then inspired to write her own original interview questions for me:

1.Mia kedvenc színed? blue
2.Hány barátod van? 3
3.Hány éves vagy ha 10 évet elveszel? 31
4.Hány éves vagy ha 10 évet hozáadsz? 51
5.Hány gyereked van? 2
6.Hány éves vagy? 41
7.Hányadik osztályban vagy? :)
8.Van 5 almám megetem 2 vásárolok még 2 hány almám van? 5!
9.Mikor születél? November 18, 1974
10.Mia kedvenc éneked? Happy Birthday
11.Mia kedvenc élményed? skydiving with Jason
12.Hol születél? Hutchinson, KS, USA
13.Mia neved? Janet Kay Francesca Kelley
14.Kia kedvenc barátod? Debbie
15.Kika barátaid? Debbie, Akesha, Ashley, Jason
16.Hány éves vagy ha 10+1 évet elveszel? 30
17.Van 6 kutyám 3 kutyám vetem még 1 kutyát hány kutyám van? 9
18.Van 9-3 db gojom kaptam még 6+9 db gojot hány gojom van? 21
19.😀+😄=? Happy!
20.🎁+💖=? Birthday

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